do I use a Chunk in my web site?
For each Chunk we give you a tiny
piece of HTML to include in your web page, which links to the particular
Chunk residing on the Chunks Server. Whenever you update the Chunk,
the link to it is unchanged - update your Chunk and save the changes,
and your site visitors see the new content immediately!
Can I include images in a Chunk?
Yes you can, with one proviso: you
have to use explicit, full-path links to images, since they reside
on your web server, not on the Chunks Server.
What control do I have over the content
of my Chunk?
The Chunk Panel includes controls
that let you change font, font size, indenting, bulleting, etc.,
so you can change the layout using the Panel itself - just as easily
as using a word processor. If you are comfortable with HTML, then
you can edit the HTML of your Chunk directly in the Source View.
If you use copy-and-paste, then you can use any HTML and layout
editing facility you have available, such as a word processor or
professional HTML editing program.