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ShopStormer - Everything you need to run an on-line store

How secure is ShopStormer?

ShopStormer is completely secure in making credit card transactions, because it uses a payment gateway which carries out the transaction in real time, without storing any credit card information on the ShopStormer system. By the time you tell the customer that you have accepted the order, then the financial transaction has already taken place.

How do I get charged for ShopStormer?

There is no charge for evaluation of ShopStormer - you can register for FREE!
There is no setup charge to create a product entry - set up products for FREE!
There is no charge for updating products - edit your catalogue content for FREE!
While you are evaluating ShopStormer for up to 30 days there is no charge at all. Your evaluation subscription is fully functional, except that you are limited to a total of 8 products. When you decide that you want to upgrade to the Gold Subscription, you pay just £25 as a one-off fee. The only on-going cost for using ShopStormer is that you are charged for each product that you have in use. At the end of each calendar month, you will be billed 10p (£0.10) per product per day for each day that the product was in existence in that month. Your bill will show a list of the products that you have had in use during the month, with the start and end dates of the charging period. If you have a large number of products in your catalogue, then a sliding scale will apply, so the charge per product will be reduced from 10p.

What other charges apply?

You will need an account with a card processing bank, or with the payment gateway provider. The charge for this will be negotiable between yourself and the provider.

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